Mookambika School - Nursery, Primary and High School in Bangalore

Co Curricular Activities

Co Curricular Activities

Our focus of providing integral education to every student is vital. We provide our students with avenues for pursuing excellence in their talent area.

Co curricular activities are important because even though they may not necessarily be a part of the core curriculum, they are important in giving young men and young women the ability to shape themselves to become more well rounded individuals.

Apart from academics, children are encouraged to participate in different competitions such as drawing, fancy dress, quiz, rangoli and literary competitions. This enhances the child's confidence level to face this competitive world. Students are awarded with prizes for the same. To inculcate respect towards Indian Culture and tradition, the students are trained in Sanatana verses such as SondaryaLahari,Vishnusahasranama, ShivanandaLahari which improves (heir In concentration level and memory power.

The children in mookambika are provided with a magnificent platform of literary competitions to showcase their hidden talents in various fields of fine arts like dance, drama, drawing, painting, singing etc. at regular intervals all through the years. Children performing extra ordinarily well are identified recognised and awarded, in this patterns the children get appreciation encouragement and inspiration to come up with their best capabilities and get an exposure to thier hidden talents